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EC Stroke Rehabilitation

【Myth about Stroke 101】Is there no hope if you are not within The Golden Recovery Period?

"The Golden Recovery Period" is a key term often heard after a stroke✅. But do you know what "The Golden Recovery Period" refers to and whether there is no hope after this period?

Our team would like to share some thoughts on "The Golden Recovery Period"🤓.

【Duration of The Golden Recovery Period】Ranges from three months to six months✅.

【Definition of The Golden Recovery Period】The recovery speed and potential of stroke patients are very high✅.

The brain🧠 of stroke patients is in its most active state during The Golden Recovery Period. The brain🧠 will secrete different proteins and nerve nutrients to repair itself as much as possible right after the stroke, which is why the progress during this period is relatively fast.

【Is there no hope after The Golden Recovery Period?】Actually, "The Golden Recovery Period" only refers to the fact that the recovery progress of stroke patients will be faster. However, the potential for recovery after The Golden Recovery Period is the same. As long as different recovery methods such as Motor Learning are used for treatment and training, their potential for recovery remains the same✅.

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